Training, mentoring &
Support pages
There are numerous resources and organisations providing peer training, mentoring and supervision, including the groups listed below.
Peer Support worker development
This initiative supports the competency and role development of the peer support workforce to reflect the rapidly changing workplace environment of mental health and addiction services. To find out more about this work, read our case study.
Organisations providing training, mentoring & supervision
ComCare Trust
Offers a range of peer support services, mentoring and supervision
Training course – 30 hours over 6 weeks, based on Intentional Peer Support Training Programme
Based in Christchurch and Canterbury
Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Peer Support)
National Certificate in Mental Health and Addiction Support (Level 4)
32-week course from the Future Skills Academy, Auckland
Mind and Body Consultants
New Zealand Certificate in Health & Wellbeing (Peer Support)
Supervision for peer support workers
Workshops, peer-developed resources and consultancy for peer services
Further reading
Davidson L, Bellamy C, Kimberly G, Miller R. Peer support among persons with severe mental illnesses: a review of the evidence and experience World Psychiatry 2012 June;11(2):123–28.
Service user, consumer and peer workforce: a guide for planner and funders Te Pou o te Whaakaro Nui, NZ, 2018