Engaging with consumers: A guide for DHBs
Developed by the Health Quality & Safety Commission, this resource is a practical guide to help New Zealand district health boards, and the health and disability services they fund, to engage better with consumers. It covers consumer engagement in the design and delivery of services, as well as the development of policy and governance procedures.
Health Quality & Safety Commission, NZ

Competencies for the mental health and addiction service user, consumer and peer workforce
This document provides a set of competencies for this workforce that can also inform training curricula, job descriptions, performance management systems, selfassessment processes, service specifications, auditing and more.
Te Pou, NZ

Emerge Aotearoa Peer Support Services
"Emerge Aotearoa provides a wide range of community-based mental health, addiction, disability support and social housing services nationwide. We believe that everyone is capable of living full and rich lives in their communities of choice. In every aspect of our work we are committed to helping our service users be the best they can be."
Emerge Aotearoa, NZ

Helping high school students build student leaders who support junior students
"The Peer Support Programme offers secondary schools the opportunity to provide new entrants to secondary school a structured introduction to school under the guidance of senior students who are trained as leaders."
NZ Peer Support Trust

Power of peer support services (in mental health & addiction)
"A non-clinical intervention for people experiencing mental distress and/or an addiction. Based on a formal therapeutic relationship between peers (people who have experienced similar adversity). Provide support BEFORE a crisis. Non judgemental and personal."
Mental Health Commission, NZ

Peer Zone
"The Peer Zone employees, coordinators and associates use their lived experience of mental distress or addiction to inform their work and change the world. They now run a range of workshops, have developed an online toolkit and provide consultancy services regionally, nationally and internationally.
Peer Zone, NZ

Building peer support programmes to manage chronic disease: 7 models to success
"Well-designed & executed peer support interventions empower patients to improve the management of their health & provide meaningful opportunities for patients to help others facing similar challenges."
California Healthcare Foundation