Self-management support resources
Long-term conditions (LTC) have been described as "the healthcare challenge of the 21st century" by the World Health Organisation. This is due to the increasing burden of disease and mortality attributable to long-term conditions, not only in developed countries but increasingly in developing countries as well. Extensive research and effort is going into improving the care of people with long-term conditions and here are some resources and international centres focusing on this area.

Self-management support for people with long-term conditions
This paper was developed as the result of three sector workshops in 2015 to share best practice and innovation for the primary and community health sectors. It includes definitions of key terms related to LTCs, as well as links to examples of current work in New Zealand.
Ministry of Health, NZ

CEO checklist
Participants in an Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care have developed a checklist of critical components for organisations interested in delivering high-value healthcare. Ten items are discussed with brief examples of each.
National Academy of Medicine, US

Asking questions
By the end of this session participants will be able to: • describe assumptions in health care settings and the impact of those assumptions • describe the difference between closed and open questions • identify which questions could be used in different SMS situations • identify a question/questions they could use in future.
Health Literacy, NZ & Health Navigator, NZ

Flinders Program
The Flinders Program is an internationally recognised approach to managing chronic conditions within primary care. The philosophy and tools of the programme enable clinicians and healthcare providers to work collaboratively and undertake a structured process with their clients/patients to develop a care plan for the management of their chronic conditions.
Flinders Program, Australia

Partnering in self-management support: A toolkit for clinicians
The New Health Partnerships initiative is a national programme of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement funded to develop and test efficient approaches to empower patients and families to manage their chronic conditions. The programme also engages patients and families as advisors to improve the design and delivery of healthcare services.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, US

Health Disparities Collaboratives: Training manual for improving chronic conditions
Excellent overview manual as well as disease specific manuals for asthma, diabetes and depression. Need to log in (free to register) to Institute of Healthcare Improvement website to download zip file with all 4 manuals.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, US

Navigating self-management
This is an excellent guide to the area of self-management and chronic care with a large range of resources, tools and information to support organisations with planning, implementation and evaluation of clinical programmes. Produced by the Whitehorse Division of General Practice in Australia.
Whitehorse Division of General Practice, Australia

Ottawa patient decision aids
Developed by the Ottawa Health Research Institute, affiliated with The Ottawa Hospital and The University of Ottawa. The Patient Decision Aids research programme was developed to help patients and their health practitioners make ‘tough’ healthcare decisions. Tough healthcare decisions may have many options, uncertain outcomes or benefits and harms that people value differently.
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Canada

Supporting self-management
The guide is written for people who support those living with long-term conditions, or who help people avoid these conditions using person- community-centered approaches. This group may include health, care and wellbeing professionals, people in voluntary or community groups, peer supporters, carers, patient leaders and people living with long-term conditions themselves.
Realising the Value, UK